Year | Student | Advisor | Degree | Title |
2007 | Agudelo, Paula | Curry, J.A. | Ph.D | Role of Local Thermodynamic Coupling in the Life Cycle of the Intraseasonal Oscillation in the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool |
2007 | Choi, Yunsoo | Wang, Y. | Ph.D | Spring to Summer Transitions of Ozone and Its Precursors over North America and Photochemistry over Antarctica |
2007 | Combes, Vincent | Di Lorenzo, E. | Ph.D | Intrinsic and forced interannual variability of the Gulf of Alaska mesoscale circulation |
2007 | Crowell, Brendan | Lowell, R. | MS | Biological sulfur reactions and the influence on fluid flow at mid-ocean ridge hydrothermal systems |
2007 | Ghosh, Abhijit | Newman, A. | MS | Earthquake Frequency-Magnitude Distribution and Interface Locking at the Middle America Subduction Zone near Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica |
2007 | Jelinek, Mark | Curry, J.A. | MS | The Seasonal Predicability of Snowpack Behavior During Spring |
2007 | Jeong, Gill-Ran | Sokolik, I. | Ph.D | Investigation of Mineral Dust Aerosols - Chemistry Intractions in the Marine Environments |
2007 | Liu, Lei | Lowell, R. | MS | The Link Between Convection and Crystallization in a Sub-Axial Magma Chamber and Heat Output in a Seafloor Hydrothermal System |
2007 | Wei, Jiangfeng | Dickinson, R. | Ph.D | Land-atmosphere interaction and climate variability |
2006 | Bristow, Gwendolyn | Taillefert, M. | Ph.D | The effect of tidal forcing on iron cycling in intertidal salt marsh sediments |
2006 | Darmenova, Kremena | Sokolik, I. | Ph.D | Integrated Spatiotemporal Characterization of Dust Sources and Outbreaks in Central and East Asia |
2006 | Estupinan, Jeral | Bergin, M. | Ph.D | The Direct Influence of Aerosols on UV Irradiance and the Development of a Synthetic Current UV Index |
2006 | Gosnell, Sawyer | Lowell, R. | MS | Numerical Modeling of Induced Diffuse Flow in Seafloor Hydrothermal Systems |
2006 | Hoyas, Carlos | Webster, P. | Ph.D | Intraseasonal Variability: Processes, Predictability and Prospects for Prediction |
2006 | Karabanov, Oleksandr | Roper, R. | Ph.D | Seasonal and spatial structure of the gravity waves and vertical winds over the central USA derived from the NOAA Profiler |
2006 | Kim, Sangmyung | Lizarralde, D. | Ph.D | Spreading-rate Dependent Mid-ocean Ridge Processes Expressed in Western Atlantic Lithosphere |
2006 | King, Jennifer | Taillefert, M. | MS | Evidence for manganese-catalyzed nitrogen cycling in salt marsh sediments |
2006 | Maxwell, Kari | Weber, R. | Ph.D | Urban Impacts on Atmospheric Chemistry: Surface Ozone in Large Versus Small Urban Centers and Urban Pollution in Asian Dustorms |
2006 | Rao, Alexandra | Ingall, E. | Ph.D | Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling in Permeable Continental Shelf Sediments and Porewater Solute Exchange Across the Sediment-Water Interface |
2006 | Robinson, Dennis | Black, R. | Ph.D | Diagnostic Studies of Extratropical Intraseasonal Variability in the Northern Hemisphere |
2006 | Shem, Willis | Dickinson, R. | Ph.D | Biosphere-Atmosphere Interaction over the Congo Basin and its Influence on the Regional Hydrological Cycle |
2006 | Shim, Changsub | Wang, Y. | Ph.D | Constraining Global Biogenic Emissions and Exploring Source Contributions to Tropospheric Ozone: Modeling Applications |
2006 | Sjostedt, Steve | Huey, G. | Ph.D | Investigation of Photochemistry at High Latitudes: Comparison of Model Predictions to Measurements of Short Lived Species |
2006 | Sullivan, Amy | Weber, R. | Ph.D | The Ambient Organic Aerosol Soluble in Water: Measurements, Chemical Characterization, and an Investigation of Sources |
2006 | Thompson, Andrea | Huey, G. | MS | Reactions of Bromide Ions with Atmospheric Trace Gases and Aerosols |
2006 | Toteva, Tatiana | Long, L. | Ph.D | Semblance Based Imaging of Scatterers With an Application in Identifying Near-Surface Heterogeneities |
2006 | Whitesides, Benton | Black, R. | MS | Interannual Zonal Variability of the Coupled Stratosphere-Troposphere Climate System |
2006 | Wright, Jonathon | Fu, R. | Ph.D | Influences of Tropical Deep Convection on Upper Tropospheric Humidity |
2006 | Yoshida, Yasuko | Wang, Y. | Ph.D | Global Sources and Distribution of Atmospheric Methyl Chloride |
2006 | Zhou, Mi | Dickinson, R. | Ph.D | Advancing Assessments on Aerosol Radiative Effect by Measurement-based Direct Effect Estimation and Through Developing an Explicit Climatological Convective Boundary Layer Model |
2005 | Agudelo, Paula | Curry, J.A. | MS | Analysis of spatial distribution in tropospheric and sea surface temperature trends |
2005 | Huang, Yan | Chameides, W. | Ph.D | Assessments of the Direct and Indirect Effects of Anthropogenic Aerosols on Regional Precipitation over East Asia Using a Coupled Regional Climate-Chemistry-Aerosol Model |
2005 | Jian, Jun | Webster, P.J. | MS | Relationship between the Pacific Ocean SST Variability and the Ganges-Brahmaputra River Discharge |
2005 | Kubera, Kimberly | Curry, J.A. | MS | Evaluation of Upper Atmospheric Ozone Data provided by a Differential- Absorption Lidar |
2005 | McDaniel, Brent | Black, R. | Ph.D | Intraseasonal Dynamical Evolution of the Northern Annular Mode |
2005 | Mooring, Raymond | Dickinson, R.E. | Ph.D | On Using Empirical Techniques To Optimize The Shortwave Parameterization Scheme Of The Community Atmospheric Model Version Two Global Climate Model |
2004 | Bartley, Christopher | Ingall, E. | MS | A search for chemolithotrophic denitrification |
2004 | Chowdhury, Zohir | Russell | Ph.D | Characterization Of Fine Particle Air Pollution In The Indian Subcontinent |
2004 | Cohan, Daniel | Russell | Ph.D | Photochemical Formation and Cost-Efficient Abatement of Ozone: High-Order Sensitivity Analysis |
2004 | Jing, Ping | Cunnold, D.M. | Ph.D | Isentropic ozone transport across the tropopause in the lower stratosphere and upper troposphere |
2004 | Kahn, Daniel | Lizzarralde | MS | The Blake Ridge |
2004 | Liu, Qing | Dickinson, R.E. | Ph.D | Land surface modeling with enhanced consideration of soil hydraulic properties and terrestrial ecosystems |
2004 | Ma, Yilin | Weber, R. | Ph.D | Developments and improvements to the particle-into-liquid-sampler (PILS) and its applications to Asian outflow studies |
2004 | Smolinski, Kelly | Curry, J.A. | MS | Interrelationships Among Large-Scale Atmospheric Circulation Regimes and Surface Temperature Anomalies in the North American Arctic |
2004 | Tan, Qian | Chameides, W. | Ph.D | Investigations of the Emissions and Fate of Anthropogenic Air Pollutants from East Asia Using Regional On-line and Off-line Chemistry-Climate Modeling System |
2004 | Zhang, Jing | Chameides, W. | Ph.D | Analyses of Atmospheric Pollutants in Atlanta and Hong Kong Using Observation-Based Methods |
2004 | Zhu, Lei | Wine, P.H. | Ph.D | Aqueous Phase Reaction Kinetics of Organic Sulfur Compounds of Atmospheric Interest |
2003 | Carey, Elizabeth | Taillefert, M. | MS | Using plug-flow reactors to determine the role of soluble Fe(III) in the cycling of iron and sulfur in salt marsh sediments |
2003 | Diamond, Dan | Weber, R. | New York supersite instrument intercomparison and analysis | |
2003 | DiNunno, Brian J. | Davis, D.D. | An assessment of tropospheric photochemistry over the central/eastern North Pacific | |
2003 | George, Charles | Gaherty | MS | An evaluation of precipitation as a seismicity triggering mechanism in Southern California |
2003 | Hanks, Karari | Bergin | MS | Water insoluble particulate organic and elemental carbon concentrations and ionic concentrations from snowpits obtained at Summit, Greenland |
2003 | Lesley, Michael | Froelich | MS | The fluxes and fates of arsenic, selenium, and antimony from coal fired power plants to rivers |
2003 | Li, Wenhong | Fu, R. | Ph.D | What are the mechanisms responsible for the wet season onset over tropical South America |
2003 | Meskhidze, Nicholas | Chameides, W. | Ph.D | Iron mobilization in mineral dust and the possible effect of Asian pollution on C-uptake in North Pacific Ocean |
2003 | Neuhuber, Stephanie M.U. | Taillefert, M. | In situ measurements of redox chemical species with amperometric techniques to investigate the dynamics of biogeochemical processes in aquatic systems | |
2003 | Nimblett, Jillian | Ruppel, C. | Ph.D | Characterizing the accumulation and distribution of gas hydrate in marine sediments using numerical models and seismic data |
2003 | Salistrand, Daniel Koewing | Lowell, R.P. | Ph.D | A groundwater flow and solute transport model of sequential biodegradation of multiple chlorinated solvents in the surficial aquifer |
2003 | Schultz, Gregory Michael | Ruppel, C. | Hydrologic and geophysical characterization of spatial and temporal variations in coastal aquifer systems | |
2003 | Slusher, Darlene | Huey, G. | Ph.D | Techniques for measuring pernitric acid, peroxyacyl nitrates, and dinitrogen pentoxide by chemical ionization mass spectrometry |
2002 | Dixit, Suvasis | Van Cappellen, P.S. | Dissolution of biogenic silica: Solubility, reactivity and the role of aluminum | |
2002 | Estupinan, Edgar G. | Wine, P.H. | Laboratory studies of potentially important atmospheric processes involving oxides of nitrogen | |
2002 | Lawrimore, Scott Alan | Cunnold, D.M. | Terrain and tornadogenesis in Georgia | |
2002 | Li, Jinlong | Cunnold, D.M. | The seasonal variations of ozone in the stratosphere and their hemispheric asymmetries | |
2002 | Mooring, Raymond Derrell | Dickinson, R.E. | MS | On the search of a statistical correlation between tropical Pacific SST and southeast US precipitation |
2002 | Nowak, John Balthasar | Davis, D.D. | An airborne field study of dimethylsulfoxide at tropical latitudes and its relationship to the marine sulfur budget | |
2002 | Snyder, Matthew Thomas | Ruppel, C. | Geochemical trends associated with the seawater-freshwater mixing zone in a surficial coastal aquifer, Sapelo Island, GA | |
2002 | Strekowski, Rafal | Wine, P.H. | Laser flash photolysis studies of some O(1D2) and OH(X2II) reactions of atmospheric interest | |
2001 | Baker, Michael Nelson | Cunnold, D.M. | An assessment of contour advection and its use in examining vortex dynamics | |
2001 | Craven, Colin M. | Dove, P.M. | The effects of electrolyte solution composition on silica surface charge development | |
2001 | deMartin, Brian J. | Ruppel, C. | Laboratory measurements of the thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity of methane hydrate at simulated in situ conditions | |
2001 | Yao, Yufeng | Lowell, R.P. | Anhydrite precipitation and evolution of permeability in ocean ridge crest hydrothermal systems | |
2001 | Yu, Hongbin | Liu, S.C. | Radiative effects of aerosols on the environment in China | |
2000 | Chen, Xiuqi | Long, L.T. | On the characteristics of coda scatterers for shallow earthquakes | |
2000 | Davis, Kevin James | Dove, P.M. | Magnesium as an impurity in calcite growth: Thermodynamic and kinetic controls on biomineral formation | |
2000 | Evans, Katherine J. | Black, R.X. | A quantitative analysis of the physical mechanisms governing the life cycles of persistent flow anomalies | |
2000 | Kurian, Ruth A. | Lowell, R.P. | Temperature and thermal diffusivity of Sapelo Island salt marsh sediments | |
2000 | Li, Jian | Perdue, M. | Using cadmium-113 NMR spectrometry to study metal complexation by natural organic matter | |
2000 | Liu, Lixian | Cunnold, D.M. | The effect of order of inversion on SAGE II profile retrieval | |
2000 | Lorier, Troy Howard | Dove, P.M. | The dissolution kinetics of quartz and amorphous silica in natural waters: A baseline for silica reactivity | |
2000 | Meile, Christof D. | Van Cappellen, P.S. | An inverse model for reactive transport in biogeochemical systems: Application to biologically-enhanced pore water transport (irrigation) in aquatic sediments | |
2000 | Shon, Zang-Ho | Davis, D.D. | Photochemical assessment of oceanic emissions of DMS and its oxidation to SO2 based on airborne field observations | |
2000 | Teng, Hui Henry | Dove, P.M. | The thermodynamics and kinetics of calcite crystallization: Baseline for understanding biomineral formation | |
2000 | Urbanski, Shawn P. | Wine, P.H. | Laboratory investigation of the atmospheric oxidation of dimethyl sulfide | |
1999 | Cabena, Lori E. | Jahren, A.H. | Vascular land plant isolates from near-shore sediments and implications for stable isotope determination of the paleoatmosphere | |
1999 | Martin, Jeffrey T. | Lowell, R.P. | The influence of silica precipitation and thermoelastic stresses on the evolution of a ridge crest seafloor hydrothermal system | |
1999 | Roychoudhury, A.N. | Van Cappellen, P.S. | Biogeochemical dynamics in aquatic sediments: Novel laboratory and field-based approaches | |
1999 | Soller, Raenell | Wine, P.H. | Photochemistry and reaction kinetics of bromine nitrate | |
1999 | Thornhill, Kenneth L. II | Roper, R.G. | An investigation of the environment surrounding supercell thunderstorms using wind profiler data | |
1998 | Allison, Jerry Dewell | Perdue, M. | An implementation of the competitive Gaussian model for metal-humic binding in a general speciation model | |
1998 | Duncan, Bryan N. | Chameides, W. | The effects of urban ozone control strategies on northern hemisphere, midlatitude tropospheric ozone | |
1998 | Gesser, Ryan Alan | Hartley, D. | A quasi-geostrophic potential vorticity diagnosis of the March 1993 superstorm | |
1998 | Grodzinsky, Gil | Rodgers, M.O. | Atmospheric organic nitrate photochemistry of the southeastern United States | |
1998 | Haas-Laursen, Danielle E. | Hartley, D. | Estimating the regional surface fluxes of carbon dioxide using the Kalman filter | |
1998 | Hauser, Heather Maguire | Chimonas, G. | An investigation of shear instabilities in the mesocyclone | |
1998 | Kuang, Jian | Long, L.T. | Intraplate stress and seismicity in the southeastern United States | |
1998 | Mandock, R.L. Nicholas | Roper, R.G. | A multiple beam sodar for the measurement of atmospheric turbulence | |
1998 | Moon, Gerald Edward | Perdue, M. | A mechanistic study of the retention of dissolved organic matter by ultrafiltration membranes | |
1998 | Schwartz, Richard Jay | Long, L.T. | Analysis of prehistoric shoreline structures of coastal South Carolina and their significance in assessing regional geological stability | |
1998 | St. John, James C. | Chameides, W. | An investigation of meteorological, regional, urban, and point source influences on ozone events in the southeastern United States | |
1998 | Villarin, Jose Tizon | Hartley, D. | The dynamical influence of the stratospheric polar vortex on the atmospheric global circulation | |
1998 | Zhao, Yong | Dove, P.M. | An AFM study of calcite dissolution in water and selected amino acids | |
1997 | Andronache, Constantin | Chameides, W. | A study of aerosol interactions in aircraft wake and background atmosphere | |
1997 | Bao, Xiaoping | Cunnold, D.M. | Variation of the stratospheric ozone layer height and the quasi-biennial oscillation | |
1997 | Beach, Darby J. | Cunnold, D.M. | An investigation into the reference height offset of SAGE I | |
1997 | Chang, Michael Eppard | Kiang, C.S. | Inverse derived ozone precursor emissions for Atlanta, Georgia | |
1997 | Crawford, James H. | Davis, D.D. | An analysis of the photochemical environment over the Western, North Pacific based on airborne field observations | |
1997 | Gilliland, Alice Brien | Hartley, D. | The potential influences of ENSO on interhemispheric transport | |
1997 | Henson, E. Lee IV | Ruppel, C. | Spreading history of the South Atlantic, south of the Agulhas Fracture Zone, from 65 Ma to 40 Ma | |
1997 | Lawrence, Mark Gary | Chameides, W. | Photochemistry in the Tropical Pacific troposphere: Studies with a global 3D chemistry-meteorology model, vols. I & II | |
1997 | Meng, Zhaoyue | Seinfeld, J.H. | Thermodynamic and dynamic modeling of atmospheric aerosols | |
1997 | Pos, Willer H. | Wine, P.H. | On the processes and mechanisms affecting carbonyl sulfide and carbon monoxide photoproduction in natural waters | |
1997 | Xu, Wenyue | Lowell, R.P. | Towards numerical modeling of two-phase flow in seafloor hydrothermal systems | |
1996 | Grantham, Meg Camille | Dove, P.M. | Biogeochemistry of subsurface environments: Investigation of bacterial effects on oxyhydroxide. Coatings by fluid tapping mode atomic force microscopy | |
1996 | Kindler, Thomas Paul | Chameides, W. | The development of supercomputing tools in a global atmospheric chemistry model and its application on selected problems in global atmospheric chemistry modeling | |
1996 | Kocaoglu, Argun H. | Long, L.T. | A new method for modeling surface wave propagation in heterogeneous media | |
1996 | Leifer, Ira | Asher, B. | A validation study of bubble mediated air-sea gas transfer modeling | |
1995 | Cao, Jing | Cunnold, D.M. | An investigation of transport during minor stratospheric warmings in the southern hemisphere | |
1995 | Chen, Gao | Davis, D.D. | A study of tropospheric photochemistry in the subtropical/tropical North and South Atlantic | |
1995 | Gao, Huizhen | Perdue, M. | A new approach to fractionation of natural organic matter -- using ion retardation resin | |
1995 | Hutzell, William T. | Chameides, W. | The variations in the geometric albedo of Titan | |
1995 | Lou, Guang Ping | Alyea, F.N. | Three-dimensional simulation N2O transport and Antarctic vortex evolution | |
1995 | Murphey, Bill B. | Justus, C.G. | Case study investigation of meso-synoptic scale effects on the total ozone column | |
1995 | Rhudy, Scott Alan | Rodgers, M.O. | A remote sensing evaluation of the effectiveness of oxygenated fuels in the Raleigh, N.C. MSA | |
1995 | Richardson, Jennifer Lynn | Chameides, W. | An investigation of large-scale tropical biomass burning and the impact of its emissions on atmospheric composition | |
1995 | Santos, Jose Luis | Roper, R.G. | Micrometeorology of a shrimp farm: A case study in Ecuador | |
1995 | Smarsh, David Anthony | Justus, C.G. | Meteorological investigation of ozone anomalies during the Arctic Boundary Layer Experiment (ABLE 3A) | |
1995 | Wang, Hsiang-Jui | Cunnold, D.M. | A discussion of ozone trends based on SAGE, SBUV and MLS measurements | |
1995 | Wang, Yonghua | Alyea, F.N. | CFCl3 transport in the atmosphere | |
1995 | Zhao, Zhizhong | Wine, P.H. | Laboratory studies of the atmospheric oxidation of dimethyl sulfide using laser flash photolysis coupled with tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy | |
1994 | Boadu, Fred Kofi | Long, L.T. | Fractal characterization of fractures: Effect of fractures on seismic wave velocity and attenuation | |
1994 | Callaham, John Minton | Long, L.T. | Joint-inversion of Wenner Resistivity and frequency domain electromagnetic data | |
1994 | Hayes, Adam Jason Otto | Rodgers, M.O. | A determination of motor vehicle activity factors for Atlanta, Georgia, through fuel consumption analysis | |
1994 | Huey, Joel W. | Rodgers, M.O. | Experimental determination of the photolysis rate coefficients of nitrogen dioxide and ozone | |
1994 | Kaufmann, Ronald Douglas | Long, L.T. | Joint inversion of travel-time residuals and gravity anomalies for the velocity structure of southeast Tennessee | |
1994 | Pearson, James Richard | Rodgers, M.O. | A comparison of photochemistry at rural sites in the southeastern United States and southeastern China | |
1994 | Sun, Lu | Perdue, M. | Isolation, characterization, and bioavailability of dissolved organic matter in natural waters | |
1994 | Thorn, Robert Peyton, Jr. | Wine, P.H. | Laboratory studies of stratospheric bromine chemistry: Kinetics of the reactions of bromine monoxide with nitrogen dioxide and atomic oxygen | |
1994 | Zheng, Jiangfen | Chameides, W. | A model study of the influence of NMHC and Nox Emissions on Rural O3 concentrations in Georgia | |
1993 | Chen, Yung-Chi | Windom, H.L. | Trace element distributions in salt marsh sediments: The relative importance of non-steady state and diagenetic processes | |
1993 | Matlack, Keith Scanlan | Perdue, M. | Modeling the interaction of dissolved organic matter with cations | |
1993 | Smyth, Scott Bevel | Rodgers, M.O. | Conversion of SO2 and Nox in the Kuwait oil-fire plume | |
1993 | Vogel, Christoph Alexander | Roper, R.G. | An investigation of the role of flux divergence in the turbulent kinetic energy balance of the atmospheric surface layer | |
1993 | Wang, Tao | Rodgers, M.O. | Atmospheric reactive nitrogen oxides and their relationship with urban and rural ozone formation | |
1992 | Chin, Mian | Wine, P.H. | An atmospheric study of carbonyl sulfide and carbon disulfide and their relationship to stratospheric background sulfur aerosol | |
1992 | Cortinas, John V. | Chimonas, G. | An investigation into the role of moist, vertical drafts in the rotational development of storms | |
1992 | Georgiopoulos, Andreas X. | Long, L.T. | Models for the upper crust of the Charleston, South Carolina, seismic zone based on gravity and magnetic data | |
1992 | Hunt, Rolf Gaylon | Rodgers, M.O. | Vertical profile measurements of ozone, isoprene, and meteorological parameters during project seron/react | |
1992 | Martinez, Jose Enrique | Rodgers, M.O. | Impact of natural and anthropogenic hydrocarbons on tropospheric ozone production: Results from automated gas chromatography | |
1992 | Ross, Christopher P. | Long, L.T. | AVO limitations near salt structures | |
1992 | Serkiz, Steven Michael | Perdue, M. | Factors affecting the binding of protons and metal ions to naturally occurring dissolved organic matter | |
1991 | Cardelino, Carlos Antonio | Chameides, W. | Issues on urban ozone: Natural hydrocarbons, urbanization and ozone control strategies | |
1991 | Hsu, Nai-Yung Christina | Cunnold, D.M. | A study of ozone eddy transports in the winter middle atmosphere | |
1991 | Lin, Xing | Chameides, W. | Model studies of rainout, washout and the impact of chemical inhomogeneity on SO2 oxidation in warm stratiform clouds | |
1991 | Lloyd, Frances B. Wigton | Perdue, M. | The viscosity of mixtures of substances in aqueous solution: What do we really know? | |
1991 | Schmidt, Eric Otto | Justus, C.G. | Cloud properties as inferred from HIRS/2 multi-spectral data | |
1990 | Cantrell, Kirk Jason | Perdue, M. | Role of soil organic and carbonic acids in the acidification of forest streams and soils | |
1990 | Chen, Wei-Chieh David | Long, L.T. | Attentuation of the Lg wave in Alabama | |
1990 | Demere, Judith Arlene | Long, L.T. | Attentuation of seismic waves in Alabama | |
1990 | Grant, Lillian Elizabeth | Long, L.T. | A detailed topographical study of the Summerville-Charleston, South Carolina, epicentral zone | |
1990 | Kocaoglu, Argun H. | Long, L.T. | Rg wave dispersion tomography in northern Alabama | |
1990 | Luo, Gang | Justus, C.G. | A cloud fraction and radiative transfer model | |
1990 | Myers, James L. | Beck, K.C. | The hydrogen peroxide and sulfure dioxide chemistry of Atlanta rainwater | |
1990 | Ouellet, Jeffrey Ovide | Patterson, E.M. | Models of aerosol backscatter, extinction and absorption profiles for desert aerosols based on aircraft instrument and ground-based lidar measurements | |
1990 | Salistrand, Daniel Koewing | Lowell, R.P. | A mathematical model for magma-hydrothermal systems in the oceanic crust | |
1990 | Tie, XueXi | Alyea, F.N. | A three-dimensional global dynamical and chemical model of methane | |
1990 | Torres-Bello, Omar | Justus, C.G. | A simple zonal average energy budget model of the earth-atmosphere system | |
1990 | Tuell, Jason Pierce | Roper, R.G. | A search for strange attractors in the saturation of middle atmosphere gravity waves | |
1990 | Xiang, Xuwu | Justus, C.G. | The Delta-Sobolev approach for modeling solar spectral irradiance and radiance | |
1990 | Xiao, Jingwei | Roper, R.G. | Meteor radar studies of the mesopause region and nonlinear atmospheric waves | |
1989 | Baum, Bryan Alan | Justus, C.G. | The extension of rapid distortion theory to stratified shear flows | |
1989 | Chu, Ding-Chong Allen | Cunnold, D.M. | The interpretation of SAGE II ozone measurements in the lower mesophere | |
1989 | Dillon, Marc Everett | Kahn, B. | A study of radon-222 in groundwater in the Athens region of northeast Georgia: Concentration as a function of the geologic and hydrogeologic conditions | |
1989 | Dorris, Kevin Scott | Bradshaw, J.D. | A possible new source of nitrogen oxides: Atmospheric electrical corona | |
1989 | Gone, Jec-Kong | Lidsky, L.M. | Composition of fine and ultra-fine particles and source identification by stable isotope ratios | |
1989 | Jiang, Wei Ping | Long, L.T. | Determination of crustal velocity structures from teleseismic P waves | |
1989 | Lee, Dana K. | Blanton, J.O. | Evidence of Gulf Stream bimodality on a several month timescale | |
1989 | Liow, Jeih-San | Long, L.T. | A two-dimensional finite-difference simulation of seismic wave propagation in elastic media | |
1989 | Nappo, Carmen Joseph | Chimonas, G. | A theoretical investigation of gravity-wave-generated stress and vorticity in the planetary boundary layer | |
1989 | Rossi, Robert James | Chimonas, G. | The relationship between the buoyancy of near-surface air and the potential temperature of the tropopause | |
1989 | Zelt, Karl-Heinz | Long, L.T. | Investigation of the cause of earthquakes in southeastern Tennessee and northern Georgia using focal mechanisms and models of crustal stress | |
1988 | Creamer, Frederic Harold | Habermann, R.E. | A method to predict a large earthquake in an aftershock sequence | |
1988 | Harsha, Senusi Mohamed | Long, L.T. | An interpretation of southern Georgia coastal plain velocity structure using refraction and wide-angle reflection methods | |
1988 | Ogilvie, Jeffrey Scott | Long, L.T. | Modeling of seismic coda, with application to attenuation and scattering in southeastern Tennessee | |
1988 | Radford, Wilbur Edward Jr. | Long, L.T. | Relocation of earthquakes in the Lake Sinclair reservoir area | |
1988 | Richardson, Jennifer Lynn | Chameides, W. | The role of biogenic hydrocarbons in the photochemical production of tropospheric ozone in the Atlanta, Georgia region | |
1988 | Watson, Thomas William | Pollard, C.O. | The hydraulic characteristics of massive crystalline rock formations in the metropolitan Atlanta area, Georgia | |
1987 | Alexander, C. Shafe | Long, L.T. | High frequency enrichment in the P-wave coda of earthquakes | |
1987 | Billington, Edward Davis | Habermann, R.E. | Spatial and temporal seismicity variations in the south sandwich and northwestern South American subduction zones | |
1987 | Ferretti, Rossella | Einaudi, F. | Wave disturbances associated with the Red River Valley severe weather outbreak of 10-11 April, 1979 | |
1987 | Giorgi, Filippo | Chameides, W. | Development of an atmospheric aerosol model for studies of global budgets and effects of airborne particulate material | |
1987 | McKeen, Stuart Alan | Kiang, C.S. | On the determination of transport variables for two-dimensional photochemical models of the stratosphere | |
1987 | Tie, An | Long, L.T. | On scattering of seismic waves by a spherical obstacle | |
1986 | Canavero, Flavio Giovanni | Einaudi, F. | Variability of atmospheric pressure spectra in the Po Valley | |
1986 | Favilla, Lawrence Joseph | Long, L.T. | An investigation of the Piedmont gravity gradient in Georgia based on the results of the Lamar County Gravity Survey | |
1986 | Hall, Anne Marie | Weaver, C.E. | The clay mineralogy of the lower San Andreas formation, Palo Duro Basin, Texas | |
1986 | Kallos, George B. | Chimonas, G. | Flow dynamics and stability in severe rainbands | |
1986 | Newchurch, Michael Joseph | Grams, G.W. | A comparison of stratospheric aerosol and gas experiment I (SAGE I) and umkehr ozone profiles including a search for umkehr aerosol effects | |
1986 | Paris, Mark V. | Justus, C.G. | Model studies of solar spectral irradiance at the bottom and top of a cloudy atmosphere | |
1986 | Rodgers, Michael Owen | Davis, D.D. | Development and application of a photofragmentation/laser-induced fluoresence detection system for atmospheric nitrous acid | |
1986 | Thoroman, Marilyn C.P. | Wampler, J.M. | K-AR geochronology of the Dokhan volcanics of the central eastern desert, Red Sea hills, Egypt | |
1986 | Wey, Chowen Chou | Cunnold, D.M. | Retrieval of moving waves from polar orbiting satellite data | |
1985 | Bergantz, George W. | Lowell, R.P. | Double-diffusive boundary layer convection in a porous medium: Implications for fractionation in magma chambers | |
1985 | Fulford, James Kenny | Roper, R.G. | A one dimensional dynamical model of ocean/atmosphere interactions | |
1985 | Jessup, David Martin | Mareschal, J-C. | Downward continuation and inversion of surface heat flow data from the interior southwestern United States | |
1985 | Ngoddy, Adaeze | Long, L.T. | Crustal thickness across the Southern Appalachians | |
1985 | Padan, Ady | Weaver, C.E. | Clay mineralogy of the bedded salt deposits in the Paradox Basin, Gibson Dome Well no.1, Utah | |
1985 | Propes, Russell Lee | Long, L.T. | Crustal velocity variation in the Southern Appalachians | |
1985 | Tschirhart, Rochie Edward | Pollard, C.O. | Fracture-trace analysis to increase the probability of locating groundwater for Murray County, Georgia | |
1984 | Conner, Trent Gregory | Weaver, C.E. | The mineralogy and water content of Paradox Basin evaporite deposits | |
1984 | Huff, Glenn Fredrick | Wampler, J.M. | The K-Ar geochemistry of carnallite -- evaluation of the geochemical stability of salt cycle six of the paradox formation in Utah | |
1984 | Johnson, Anthony Phillip | Long, L.T. | The Twiggs County Earthquake Swarm | |
1984 | Jones, Frank Burdette | Long, L.T. | Study of the attenuation and azimuthal dependence of seismic wave propagation in the southeastern U.S. and evaluation of Q from the coda of southeastern United States earthquakes at ATL seismic observatory | |
1984 | Murphey, Bill Burns Jr. | Grams, G.W. | An investigation on methods for determining the optical absorption coefficient of aerosols | |
1984 | Paris, Mark V. | Justus, C.G. | Comparative study of the causes and effects of recent southeastern droughts | |
1984 | Ross, Barbara Anita | Dainty, A.M. | Interpretation of maximum entropy derived dispersion curves from northern Alabama | |
1984 | Wilson, Jeffrey Kent | Long, L.T. | Influence of focal depth on the displacement spectra of earthquakes | |
1983 | Cunningham, James Patrick | Mareschal, J-C. | Downward continuation of potential fields | |
1983 | Duckworth, Robert M. | Dainty, A.M. | Q estimates from local coda waves | |
1983 | Mullin, Clayton Wade | Weaver, C.E. | Geology of the caprock and salt stock of the Richton Salt Dome | |
1983 | Ramsey, Elijah | Windom, H.L. | The source and distribution of radon-222 and radium-226 within South Atlantic Bight waters | |
1983 | Stobie, James G. | Einaudi, F. | A case study of gravity wave-convective storm interactions: 9 May 1979 | |
1982 | Bean, David M. | Wampler, J.M. | Some diagenetic changes and potassium-argon relationships of a Cambrian limestone as a function of buriel depth | |
1982 | Caines, Gary Lee | Weaver, C.E. | Florida land-pebble phosphorite: The mineralogy and an evaluation of electrostatic beneficiation | |
1982 | Frazier, James Edward | Dainty, A.M. | Analysis of the Bouguer gravity anomalies in the region surrounding the Elberton and Danburg Granites in East-Central Georgia | |
1982 | Friddell, Michael S. | Weaver, C.E. | A study of the mineralogy of selected cretaceous and tertiary kaolins of central and eastern Georgia | |
1982 | Hinton, Douglas Marshall | Mareschal, J-C. | Geophysical studies of southern Appalachian crustal structure | |
1982 | Marshall, Benjamin Thomas | Grams, G.W. | Characterization and regional climatic implications of tropospheric aerosols | |
1982 | Mohr, William Charles | Beck, K.C. | Hair trace metal levels and cardiovascular disease mortality rates in Georgia | |
1982 | Musser, James Alan | Mareschal, J-C. | A geomagnetic variation survey of the southeastern Appalachians | |
1982 | O'Nour, Ibrahim Mustafa | Mareschal, J-C. | Gravity anomalies in central Georgia | |
1982 | Parks, William Scott | Pollard, C.O. | Multivariate analysis of Georgia coastal plain ground waters | |
1982 | Pitts, Michael Charles | Cunnold, D.M. | Planetary scale variations of stratospheric ozone as observed by SAGE | |
1982 | Sherry, Joseph Edward | Justus, C.G. | A simple hourly solar insolation model based on meteorological parameters and its application to solar radiation resource assessment in the SE U.S. | |
1982 | Spiegel, Laurence S. | Justus, C.G. | Total horizontal solar radiation use in determining radiation values on a tilted solar collecting surface | |
1982 | Steigert, Frederick W. | Long, L.T. | Seismicity of the southern Appalachian seismic zone in Alabama | |
1982 | Trepte, Charles Raymond | Cunnold, D.M. | Structure of ozone in the upper stratosphere utilizing SBUV satellite observations | |
1982 | Tzeng, Wen Shyr | Long, L.T. | Investigation of SV to P wave amplitude ratio for determining focal mechanism | |
1982 | Zakikhani, Mansour | Grams, G.W. | Observations of the optical properties of aerosol particles in the planetary boundary layer and the free troposphere | |
1981 | Allison, Jerry Dewell | Long, L.T. | Seismicity of the central Georgia seismic zone | |
1981 | Hahn, Robert William | Noll, R. | An assessment of the viability of marketable permits | |
1981 | Herbert, James C. | Long, L.T. | Modeling of crustal structures in southwest Georgia from magnetic data | |
1981 | Hernandez, Heroel | Lowell, R.P. | Numerical modeling of the convection in a fault zone | |
1981 | Hovland, Nancy K. | Beck, K.C. | Geochemistry of dissolved and fine particulate matter in the Satilla River | |
1981 | Kline, John Bertrand | Justus, C.G. | Atmospheric turbidity due to aerosol extinction | |
1981 | Kline, Stephen Warren | Pollard, C.O. | The geology of the northern half of the Suwanee Quadrangle and part of the Hog Mountain Quadrangle, Gwinnett County, Georgia | |
1981 | Nicholas, Joseph Peter | Alyea, F.N. | Seasonal and spatial variations in stratospheric energetics from satellite observations | |
1981 | O'Malley, Patrick G. | Atkinson, L.P. | The effect of summertime shelf break upwelling on nutrient flux in southeastern United States continental shelf waters | |
1981 | Ormsby, Marka R. | Long, L.T. | Probability that another intensity x event could occur in the S.E. during a 200 year period | |
1981 | Patterson, Patricia Lynn | Lowell, R.P. | Resolving the heat-flow anomaly at the Galapagos spreading center | |
1981 | Routhier, Francis X. | Davis, D.D. | Latitudinal and vertical relationships between tropospheric ozone and water vapor as measured in Project GAMETAG | |
1981 | Storti, Frank W. | Windom, H.L. | The geochemistry of 210PB in the southeastern U.S. estuarine system | |
1981 | Wallace, Blanche M. | Pollard, C.O. | Petrology and geochemistry of the Wahoo Creek Formation Stone Mountain Quadrangle, Georgia | |
1980 | Hassanipak, Ali Asghar | Eslinger, E.V. | Isotopic geochemical evidence concerning the origin of Georgia kaolin deposits | |
1980 | Highsmith, Patrick B. | Weaver, C.E. | Chemical changes in chlorite and illite due to burial diagenesis in a Paleozoic shale | |
1980 | Johnston, Gregory Lamar | Long, L.T. | A seismic spectral discriminant for reservoir induced earthquakes in the southeastern United States | |
1980 | Lee, Chang Kong | Dainty, A.M. | A study of the crustal structure of north central Georgia and South Carolina by analysis of synthetic seismograms | |
1980 | Obaoye, Michael Olajide | Dainty, A.M. | Interpretation of detailed gravity traverses across northeastern Georgia | |
1980 | Sedivy, Robert Alan | Wampler, J.M. | K-Ar relationships in a Cambrian shale as a function of buriel depth | |
1980 | Smith, Gordon Egbert | Long, L.T. | A focal mechanism study using both p-wave first motions and s-wave polarization angles | |
1980 | Volz, William Richard | Long, L.T. | Travel time perturbations in the rust and upper mantle in the southeast | |
1979 | Benoit, Jeffrey R. | Oertel, G.F. | A shoreline erosion study of the Atlantic intracoastal waterway of Georgia, classification and methods of erosion control | |
1979 | Fulford, James Kenny | Lowell, R.P. | Thermal convection in porous media with application to hydrothermal circulation in the oceanic crust | |
1979 | Gevrek, Ali Ihsan | Weaver, C.E. | Clay mineralogy and sedimentary petrography of lower to middle paleozoic rocks from a single core from Northwest Georgia | |
1979 | Holcomb, Derrold Wayne | Reuter, J.H. | Chemical characterization of swamp peat humic substances | |
1979 | Kean, Allan Edwin | Long, L.T. | A seismic refraction crustal study of the southeastern United States | |
1979 | Rice, Donald Lester | Windom, H.L. | Trace element chemistry of aging marine detritus derived from coastal macrophytes | |
1978 | Broekstra, Bradley Robert | Weaver, C.E. | Diagenetic changes in a Cambrian shale as a function of buriel depth | |
1978 | Cooke, Gary Andrew | Beck, K.C. | Pore water constitutents of deeply buried Gulf Coast muds as indicators of diagenetic alteration | |
1978 | Dunbar, David Malcolm | Long, L.T. | A seismic velocity model of the Clark Hill reservoir area | |
1978 | Guinn, Steward Allen | Long, L.T. | Earthquake focal mechanisms in the southeastern United States | |
1978 | Hsiao, Helmut Yung-An | Long, L.T. | The stress amplification mechanism for intraplate earthquakes applied to the southeast United States | |
1978 | Mullins, Ballard M. | Windom, H.L. | Geochemical aspects of atmospherically transported trace metals over the Georgia Bight | |
1977 | Dooley, Robert Ervin | Wampler, J.M. | K-Ar relationships in dolerite dikes of Georgia | |
1977 | Junhavat, Suphachai | Weaver, C.E. | Origin of Paleozoic shale of Florida | |
1977 | Patterson, Patricia Lynn | Lowell, R.P. | Numerical modeling of hyrdothermal circulation at ocean ridges | |
1977 | Waslenchuk, Dennis Grant | Windom, H.L. | The geochemistry of arsenic in the continental shelf environment | |
1976 | Butler, James Meredith | Long, L.T. | A study of seismic road noise | |
1976 | Champion, J. W. Jr. | Long, L.T. | A detailed gravity study of the Charleston, South Carolina, epicentral zone | |
1976 | Chen, Ching-hua | Lowell, R.P. | Temperature disturbance in a geothermal borehole system | |
1976 | Faust, Nickolas L. | Long, L.T. | Analysis of the usefulness of automatically processed ERTS multispectral data for geologic purposes in Georgia | |
1975 | Arnone, Robert | Beck, K.C. | Floccule characterization of the Satilla Estuary | |
1975 | Bridges, Samuel Rutt | Long, L.T. | Evaluation of stress drop of the August 2, 1974, Georgia-South Carolina earthquake and aftershock sequence | |
1975 | Denman, Harry Edward Jr. | Long, L.T. | Implications of seismic activity at the Clark Hill reservoir | |
1975 | Nance, Steven William | Windom, H.L. | The role of suspended matter on trace metal transport in an estuarine environment | |
1975 | Webb, Lyndall Charles | Weaver, C.E. | The evaluation of cementation mechanisms in kaolinite | |
1974 | Bloomer, Daniel R. | Harding, J. | A hydrographic investigation of Winyah Bay, South Carolina, and the adjacent coastal waters | |
1974 | Dunn, Townsend Helme | Beck, K.C. | Electrode studies of stability constants of Cd-river water organic matter complexes | |
1974 | Martin, Stephen James | Reuter, J.H. | Chemical characteristics of dissolved organic matter in river water | |
1974 | McKee, John H. | Long, L.T. | A geophysical study of microearthquake activity near Bowman, South Carolina | |
1974 | Rahn, William R. Jr. | Windom, H.L. | The role of Spartina Alterniflora in the transfer of mercury in a salt marsh environment | |
1974 | Rothe, George Henry III | Long, L.T. | Geophysical investigation of a diabase dike | |
1973 | Neiheisel, James | Weaver, C.E. | Source of detrital heavy minerals in estuaries of the Atlantic coastal plain | |
1972 | Bhate, Uday Ramesh | Windom, H.L. | Trace metal distributions in natural salt marsh sediments | |
1972 | Mathur, Uday Prakash | Long, L.T. | Study of the continental structure of southeastern United States by dispersion of Rayleigh waves | |
1972 | Maye, Peter Robert | Beck, K.C. | Some important inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus species in Georgia salt marsh |