Research in climate dynamics, ocean, and weather at Georgia Tech aims to better understand fundamental atmospheric and oceanic processes, global and regional climate variability, transport of energy and water vapor, hydroclimate, paleoclimate, and tropical ocean-atmosphere ocean interactions. Paleoclimate research at Georgia Tech is focused on reconstructing and understanding abrupt climate change and the long-term behavior of the tropical climate system. Research on marine systems includes both the coastal zone and open ocean problems including ocean modeling, sea-level rise, biogeochemical cycling, remote sensing and paleoceanography. Our students are trained with a variety of observational, theoretical, computational, and data science approaches to explore underlying dynamics and to conduct cutting-edge research towards improved understanding and predictions.
Bracco, Dr. Annalisa
Associate Chair, Professor
Bolden, Dr. Isaiah
Assistant Professor
Bras, Dr. Rafael
K. Harrison Brown Family Chair & Professor
Chu, Dr. Wing (Winnie)
Assistant Professor
Cobb, Dr. Kim
Adjunct Professor
Deng, Dr. Yi
Dr. Di Lorenzo, Emanuele
Adjunct Professor
Fu, Yao
Research Scientist II
Glass, Dr. Jennifer
Associate Professor
Handlos, Dr. Zachary
Senior Academic Professional
He, Dr. Jie
Assistant Professor
Ingall, Dr. Ellery
Ito, Dr. Taka
Lozier, Dr. Susan
Professor, Dean and Betsy Middleton and John Clark Sutherland Chair
Lynch-Stieglitz, Dr. Jean
Chair, Professor
McGuire, Dr. Jenny L.
Associate Professor
Reinhard, Dr. Chris
Associate Professor
Robel, Dr. Alexander
Associate Professor
Sarhadi, Dr. Ali
Assistant Professor
Taillefert, Dr. Martial
Associate Chair for Graduate Studies, Professor
Timmerman, Amanda
Research Scientist II
Wang, Dr. Hsiang-Jui (Ray)
Principal Research Scientist
Wang, Dr. Yuhang
Ambelorun, Aminat Advisor: Robel, Dr. Alexander
Cervania, Ahron Advisor: Ito, Dr. Taka
- Kadkhodaei, Kianoush Advisor: Sarhadi, Dr. Ali
Mamer, Madeline Advisor: Robel, Dr. Alexander
Penunuri, Alexander (Alex) Advisor: Ito, Dr. Taka
Raganato, Alessandro Advisor: Bracco, Dr. Annalisa
Rashed, Ziad Advisor: Robel, Dr. Alexander
Trostel, John Advisor: Deng, Dr. Yi